SUNDAYS AT 9:30 & 11AM
Cornerstone Kids exists to help kids find and follow God through a variety of ministry environments. We seek to partner with families to help kids know, worship, and serve Jesus. Our goal at Cornerstone Kids is to provide a fun, relational, and safe place for kids and families to grow together on their faith journey. Our staff and team of volunteers are committed to helping kids learn to pursue God, connect with each other, and be part of a growing community. If you’re visiting us for the first time, RSVP is not required.
wednesdays at 6:30pm
Beginning on January 15, kids in 2nd-5th grade are invited to a fun and meaningful Wednesday night gathering from 6:00-7:30pm at Cornerstone! Each week, we’ll build faith and friendships through engaging lessons and activities:
2nd & 3rd Grade: Discover biblical truths to grow a strong, rock-solid faith.
4th & 5th Grade: Tackle tough questions about the Christian faith and learn how to respond with confidence.
No registration is needed — just show up! Parents/guardians, please check your children in and out at the main church building doors (the Student Ministry will be using the Hub).

Every week, we love saying “welcome” to new friends! We love partnering with parents so they can enjoy a great service knowing their kiddos are being loved, nurtured and having tons of fun! If you are planning on visiting us for the first time this Sunday, make sure you arrive 10 minutes early so you can register your kids at our check-in kiosks. Then just drop your kids off and get a good seat for your service this Sunday!

We have created a secure and fun environment where infants through age 2 will be loved and cared for by our well-trained nursery staff. When visiting your site, ask one of our friendly volunteers to see where your child fits best. We will take great care of your little ones while you experience the worship service.
2 - 5 YRS
You’re a pre-schooler, and the world is bursting with newness. Each day is filled with one new discovery after another. Where did that bird come from? Who thought to color the butterfly like that?
We strive to help families engage in Bible reading like never before by bringing the Bible to life and teaching your preschooler about the story of God's love and his plan for their life. They will have the opportunity to play games, create artistic masterpieces, sing along with energetic and interactive worship, and learn stories from the Bible presented in ways that are applicable to their age group.
Elementary-age kids are in a constant state of discovery. How can we tap into the way kids are naturally wired to discover‚ so they can begin to experience for themselves who God is, how He sees them and how much He loves them? How can we show them God’s big story and help them? Our curriculum and resources provoke discovery, inviting kids to live out their new understanding of how to grow in relationship with God and with others, while gaining a deeper understanding of the Bible.

If you have a passion for holding babies, working with kids, playing games and just having a great time....we would love to have you on the Cornerstone Kids team! Click the box below and fill out a Cornerstone Kids Team application.