If you have questions for our staff, feel free to reach out via e-mail or call our offices to speak with us.
THAD HARLESS - Lead Pastor | E-mail
LINDSEY HUANG - Director of Kids Ministries & Missions | E-mail
JEFF GARLAND - Senior Associate Pastor | E-mail
HEATHER WINKELMAN - Campus Administrator | E-mail
COLIN JENSEN - Litchfield Worship Director | E-mail
DAVE GRUTHUSEN - Family Ministries Pastor | E-mail
ANDREA TJADEN - Hope Ministries Administrator | E-mail
ROBBIE CHALLINOR - Pastor of Student Ministries | E-mail
DIANNA JOHNSON - Bookkeeping/HR/Executive Ministries Assistant | E-mail
BRENDA STORM - Facilities Team | E-mail
JOHN VINES - Multi-Site Business Director | E-mail
TERRY PETERSON - Facilities Team | E-mail