Video makes it possible to connect!
We are a church that desires to reach out of these walls called the church building to introduce as many to Jesus as possible. As a church media volunteer you are using your instruments to provide a lens for those not in the room to experience what they otherwise would have missed. Your camera is an instrument, your switcher is an instrument, your computer is an instrument no different than the instruments on stage just played in a different manner. When done correctly and with the right heart posture, media ministry is worship unto the one who is worthy of it all! Keep playing your instruments! Keep expanding your knowledge of your instruments, and let the spirit wind of Yahweh lead you in providing the lens for the rest of the world to see what they cannot when not in the room.
Abbreviation/ meaning/ description/ effect:
ECU – extreme close up of eyes/face: aggression, discomfort
CU – close up of head/reaction: intimacy
CU head and shoulders – 2–3 people
MS – medium shot: to waist, 2–3 people
MLS – medium-long shot: full-body normal view
LS – long shot: room, normal view
Low angle: camera looks up – subject looks large – creates an impression of power
Normal or straight angle: camera looks at the subject from eye-level – subject looks equal to viewer, who feels equal to, and may even identify with, subject
High angle: camera looks down – subject appears small – creates an impression of weakness
Sequence: a series of shots on the same subject
Fade out/in: go to black / go from black to picture; suggests passage of time, change of place
Pan: camera moves from left-to-right or right-to-left across scene from one subject to another – can be used to create suspense
Zoom: camera moves in (tight) or out (wide)
Tilt: camera moves vertically, up or down
Tech Tool Shop
It is my hope that the tools available on this site will help you grow your skills to serve in greater ways.